Friday, February 6, 2009


Things I don't understand:

1. Why my adolescent students (boys) wear their pants around their knees. When did it become cool to show your underwear?

2. How my children are braver than I am. When Yitzy caught a mouse they wanted to see it and they talked about how cute it was and how mice are ok, just not in our house. I am scared to go near it, look at it, and if you even mention the word mouse I cringe. I would really prefer to go get a room in a hotel if there is even the thought of a mouse in my house.

3. Why my children will eat all sorts of raw vegetables (mushrooms even) but as soon as they are cooked or put with something else they absolutely refuse to touch it.

4. How I can tell my students twelve thousand times that I am Jewish and they still ask if I celebrate X-mas when I have answered it the same way every single time (these kids are 8th graders). Then they ask me if I celebrate birthdays. Don't even get me started on the conversation we had about keeping kosher!

5. How my printer at work was working great until the computer teacher asked me how it was working, I said wonderful and now it is acting up. Why?

6. How I have a sweater obsession and I hate cold weather. Maybe I just hate months and months of constant cold weather. Oh well, still have the obsession-I love sweaters!

7. Why I have students that don't know their multiplication facts. How can they know how to do algebraic equations and not know what 8x7 is? Calculators can be a curse!

8. How it is 20 degrees outside and my classroom feels like it is 85 degrees even with the windows open. I can only wear so many layers!

9. And speaking of temperature-how can my children walk around the house with barely no clothes and certainly nothing on their feet? I could use their feet as ice cubes in my drinks they are so cold. They are not bothered at all, I have never once heard them complain that their feet are cold.

10. How I love coffee so much even though the caffeine does absolutely nothing to keep me awake. I wish it would!


Anonymous said...

This was a fun post! I think it's great that the girls are into the mouse and that you are scared of it. If only we could all keep that child-like sense of wonder and curiosity our whole lives....

Anonymous said...

I really like mice. I wish I could have been there to see it. If there is every a mouse in your classroom I will come save you...or bring Katydid...little T would like that :)

Rach said...

on the sweater thing- at least you have thrift stores to feed that obsession- imagine if you were paying full price for it!

And the trick to making coffee work is to pretend that it's working- it's all in the mind!

This was a great post!

Anonymous said...

Laughed at your comments - good questions. The answer is "Murphy's Law."