Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I'm going on a trip! And other reflections

Tomorrow morning (or really the middle of the night) I am going on a plane with just the baby! I am going to visit my sister and and parents on the East Coast. And even though it's not exotic or especially warm there I am excited! I never get to go anywhere without kids tagging along so this is truly a treat. Yitzy is watching the other 3 for the whole time!

Ok, because I can make this blog any way I want I am going to switch the topic now. I have recently done some personal introspection which led me to a realization about myself. I have a hard time ending things, especially conversations. This means I usually keep talking until I find some roundabout way to extricate myself from excruciating small talk that means nothing.

Does this happen to other people or am I the only one with this weird problem?

I usually feel embarrassed after the fact, after I have run through the conversation in my head a few thousand times. And of course I always seem to have this problem of talking too much when I am trying to impress someone, like my boss. Why do I do this? I don't know. I would guess it is because of nervousness-when I am nervous I always talk a lot. Some people would even say too much. But I just can't seem to help it.

And then I feel really self-conscious, which makes me nervous, then I talk a lot and there goes the vicious cycle all over again! I hope when people get to know me they just think it's cute. Because I certainly don't want to be THAT person that no one wants to talk to.

Oh well. I guess I'm just one of those people who has a lot to say.


Orah said...

You are not alone. My hubby does this. And furthermore, he starts the conversations in the first place at the worst times. I usually have to finish it for him. Then ppl think I am rude, but my husband has a wife and kids so...........excuse my rudeness.

Have a nice trip

Anonymous said...

I never pictured you being a talker - just learned something new about you - your sister, yes but not you. However, you used to be quite a conversationalist when you were 2 thru 5 and then became quieter. Keep talking - think confident woman who knows what she is talking about.