Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Lately I have been telling lots of people that I blog.

Their responses have been pretty telling-those who don't blog don't think much of the blogging world. They can be downright skeptical. In fact, I had the same response just a few short months ago. I didn't understand or see the point of blogging.

But my views have changed a lot since I started reading blogs and then starting my own.

I am a naturally nosy person so reading blogs about other people's lives fits right in line with my nosiness. It was just a matter of time.

On the other hand, I actually hated writing when I was in school. I looooove to read and talk about books but I couldn't stand putting my own ideas on paper. I could never find the right words and I hated having to write a specific length just to get a good grade. Who had time for verb tenses or not using the word "you" in your paper?

I am reformed however. Writing this blog has helped me process things in my life that I would normally whine about or just gloss over. It has encouraged me to be "present" (my sister the yoga teacher is constantly encouraging this) during moments both big and small throughout my life. (Usually so I can write about them later).

I am reflecting more on those moments which brings me clarity and is what I like to call "free therapy." I feel calmer and more at peace with things as I write about them. And I get support from people I know and from people I don't. That support is huge, otherwise I could just write in a journal and keep it hidden.

I am also proud of what I write. Sometimes I read what I wrote a few times; I feel like I am in love with words I wrote. Maybe I sound a little crazy, does anybody else do this? Re-read what they wrote just because they like the way they said something? I have never considered writing one of my strengths and so when I write something I consider "good" I like to enjoy it and read it over a few thousand times.

So to all those skeptics out there: don't knock it until you try it!


Orah said...

I have met those skeptics........

I re-read what I wrote, but that is because I tend to forget what I wrote...

Anonymous said...

If I were your English teacher, I would give you extra bonus points for using the word "present" and for mentioning your awesome yoga instructor sister. :) I am so excited that you love blogging so much (let the record state and forever remember that I introduced you to it). Tell those silly skeptics (I've met them too!) that blogging makes the world a lot bigger, and a lot smaller at the same time, and that there is a lot of love in the blogging community--yay for supportive strangers! And yes, while it can be viewed as slightly narcissistic, I think we all have stuff to share that we can each benefit from. And yes, I also re-read my work, but mostly because I'm a loser perfectionist and I am trying to get it "just right".

Rach said...

Blogger and Runners- are like their own little subculture.

You gotta be in it to truly get it

Mom said...

Since you have started blogging, your writing and thoughts are a-maz-ing! I remember your high school days and now look at you. There is no comparison - 150% improved.

adinab said...

You (and a lot of your fellow bloggers out there) have ALMOST got me inspired enough to do my own blogging, but a) i am so technilogically stupid i probably couldn't figure it out) and b)i could probably never think of what to write about. but maybe one of these days....