This weekend was soooooo busy. It's not usually how I like to spend my weekends since it's my only time to get anything done. But sometimes I have to be busy and this was one of those times.
It started on Shabbos (Saturday) when I went to synagogue for the first time in a long while. The weather was yucky and I didn't really want to go out in it but I had no choice. Parshas Zachor awaited (when they read a certain part of the Torah out loud and everyone over bar mitzvah has to listen to it being read). Anyway, I experienced two interesting/funny things there. The first was watching a small child carry a plate of cholent (stew) and drop some on the floor. Even though he had a whole plateful left, he sat down on the floor and scooped it up and ate it from the floor. I guess he couldn't let a drop go to waste!
Also, at the synagogue this week was a get-together for a group of special needs teenagers. My bro-in-law was one of them. It was nice to see him and some of his friends. During kiddush (after prayers, blessing over wine-we eat food) one of his friends (who shall remain nameless) saw us and came over to us. He doesn't really know us but he saw me holding baby M and tried to take her from me. He refused to give me his name (we had to ask B, my bro-in-law) and then he wanted to sit right next to me. He kept trying to grab the baby and when my husband and I let him hold the baby he wasn't exactly gentle. I had to let my husband handle it because this was a big boy and he wasn't listening to a word I was saying. It was such an interesting experience. A few minutes later a counselor came over and distracted the boy by helping him get some more food. I have such respect for these counselors who give up their time to work with these kids. I know my bro-in-law gets so much out of these social gatherings-it really helps him establish and maintain relationships. Also, watching my husband interact with this boy reminded me what a great guy he is. Everyone in a family is affected by a special needs sibling and I think my husband has learned so much from B. He'll be upset that I am saying this, but he has a certain sensitivity to people with differences that most people don't have. It was nice to see him in action.
Then yesterday when running errands, I got caught in a thunderstorm. A monster thunderstorm! I really looked ridiculous! My wig was ruined, my clothes were dripping wet, all the food I bought at Sam's Club soaking! I was crying and totally felt defeated-I had to go home and change instead of finishing all the other errands I had to do. Not the best moment of the weekend.
Finally, last night I went to a dinner for my children's school. It was downtown in a fancy hotel. I very much did not want to go. But it actually was nice. I got to sit next to a great friend and we had tons to talk about. My kids were in the video they showed-they looked cute (and like they were behaving)! The food was ok and they gave out chocolate which is always a good thing.
Today, I have seen Big T put on a Purim play at her school and am getting ready for the big P-day! Still gotta put the Mishloach Manos together but it should be pretty easy-we are taking the easy approach this year.
Happy Purim to everyone!
sam's club in the rain is the worst. you lookded great last night, i never would've known you had a crummy day.
also, i don't know your husband's parents or family but the fact that your husband has a special sensitivity toward special needs individuals, speaks to their uniqueness. i've worked with families of special needs kids who have not been able to develop this quality and instead they breed resentment. so kudos to y's family for doing a great job.
E, Sorry you had such a weekend - but it's over. Glad you were able to write about it and get it off your chest. Isn't it great that we can always count on Yitzy to do the right thing when needed.
He doesn't yet realize how much he has to offer - writing wise and sensitivity wise. There is a reason for everything and "B" has helped teach all the family to be more responsive in a positive way.
sorry you had such a rough weekend! would have loved to see T in her play..tell her I said congrats! also, LOVE the new template. Much more you, since you probably own 20 argyle sweaters? :)
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