Monday, March 16, 2009


I'm sort of scrounging around in my brain for topics to write about today. I actually have a few ideas but I don't really have the brainpower to write about anything deep. I don't want to write about Passover yet-there's plenty of time and horror stories left for that.

I spent the entire day yesterday focused on the children's clothes for the upcoming seasons and holidays. Managing the clothes of 4 children is a job unto itself. I could probably make up a name for it: child stylist manager? personal unpaid shopper? We seriously have mountains of clothes in our house even after giving some away and throwing away the stained, yucky ones. I know I am a clothes horse ( I think that means I really like clothes) but it's not just that. Spring requires a whole different wardrobe than summer and holidays require a whole different wardrobe than weekday clothes. There's also the uniforms. Don't forget about the tights and the socks-they are also essential. Then we have the hair accessories and other such paraphernalia all over the place.

Then if they grow during the season and not between seasons, it's back to the stores for more and more clothes. Now, don't get me wrong-I am truly happy my kids are growing ( we do have growing issues so I really am happy). But girls are different than boys in the religious Jewish world. They wear skirts all the time and the skirts need to cover their knees. If they grow even just a little bit, their skirts might be just that little bit toooo short. And then it needs to be replaced. Now, in a way I am lucky, I have many other girls in the family to pass the clothes onto so it will get worn. But it is not so easy to find the clothes in the first place. Regular stores at the mall don't often carry skirts that are modest enough. And the religious stores charge an arm and a leg for children's clothes. I refuse to pay a lot unless I absolutely have to. Partly because I am cheap ( I fully admit it) and partly because my kids are hard on their clothes and they often get ruined easily.

I guess dressing my kids has become a hobby. I should just embrace that fact and take comfort that my kids usually look cute and do me proud!


Shosh said...

you should embrace that fact. and then you should post pictures of the kids in the cute clothes too!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, with a boy, I bet he'd be happy to wear the same thing every day, or perhaps just to run around naked. I'll keep you posted. :)

Anonymous said...

Well now I am grateful that my kids don;t have to wear uniforms yet. N probably wouldn't care although if he could he would stay in pjs all day. H on the other hand can be very picky about what she wears (and this is before she has to start with the skirts). If we wold let them, both my kids would just run around naked. Every time Little T comes, I always wonder where you find her clothes. I know it is easier to find cute girls clothes than boys clothes, but how easy is it to find skirts?

Anonymous said...

your girls always look cute because they are dressed with love! little t struts her stuff with confidence (even though she doesn't match) because she knows that she is loved. match smatch

Anonymous said...

E, how I wish we still had our children's clothing store - it would be so much easier on all of us. You love clothes & shopping because your bureau drawers were overflowing due to Daddy's taste and the many sales in the store.