Wednesday, July 15, 2009

My LOVE affair with reading

Based on all the comments from my last post, I started thinking about why I enjoy reading so much. I am so passionate about reading and one of my favorite things to ask new people I meet is what they are reading. It helps me understand them, their likes and dislikes, and learn if we might have anything in common.

I have been this way ever since I can remember. As a kid I used to carry a book with me everywhere I went. Out to dinner with family, a car ride, it didn't matter. As a young girl, it wasn't unheard of for me to leave the library with 16 books in my arms, staggering to the car. I would hide from my mom in the bathroom reading. I would stay up late into the night reading. I would wake up in the morning and start reading.

Over the years, I have changed a little. I can't stay up late to read and it's not the first thing I do in the morning. But I still fit reading into my life. I always carry a book with me wherever I go, sometimes I carry 2 if I can't decide which one to read. I read even if I only have 5 minutes. I also hoard books because I will plan to read them someday.

It's hard for me to put into words why I like reading. It's solitary, it's escape, it's learning about new things all rolled into one activity.

And since I love talking and analyzing it stands to reason that I would love combining talking and reading together into a book club. So I am open to suggestions to start a book club. Leave me a comment with any suggestions on how to start one, pick books, discuss, or anything you feel strongly about. Anyone can participate!

I can't wait to get started!!


shalva said...

i identified with a lot of what you said in your post - i am just bad at putting my feelings into words like that - while i am also not as 'bookwormy' as i was as a kid, i still carry a book with me everywhere (i also take 2 - or sometimes 3!! in case i don't like one and am stuck with nothing to read lol) and i also have this thing about 'saving' good books sometimes, because i read quickly and i'm so sad when i finish a good book (unless it's by an author who's written a bunch of other good stuff, too...)
anyways i have no practical suggestions about how to start a book club, but i love the idea - and i also love asking people what they're reading!

Yitzy, Seth said...

Hon, you're a nerd.

But it takes one to know one. As you know, I too have a love for reading, albeit for different genres. As so many people have hectic and busy schedules, my idea for you is to have a virtual book club. Although probably not the most ideal vehicle, you can use your blog as a starting place to post about a book and use the comments function to facilitate a feedback/dialog forum. There may be better forums (literally) for this subject, such as and others, but blogger here is certainly not a bad place to start...


Mom said...

E, tell hubby you are not a nerd. Hopefully, you will do better than your sister when she tried to do a book club on her blog. You could start out with the book "The Man in the White Sharkskin Suit" for all your friends in the Jewish community. I gave it to Denys to read and she really enjoyed it, as did I. I got the idea for reading it from the book club held at Beth Sholom and told you about it. It seems everyone has enjoyed it.

Anita said...

I also love reading. I used to read all the time when I was younger, but now I can't find the time. It's so annoying. When I do have time, I forget to go to the library, so I am stuck with the same books. After a while it's a little boring. Maybe if you had a book club I could make time.