Well, I finally did it. After 3 months of thinking of posts in my head (since my 4th daughter was born) I finally decided to take the plunge and try blogging. I'm nervous and I have no idea what I am doing but I guess that is what my computer savvy husband is for.
I'm not sure why anyone would want to read about my life but I have decided that my writing is not about that. It seems that I have always had a lot to say (I always got in trouble in school for talking too much) and now I have a way to say it.
Today when I was working with a student we were writing about creativity and I realized something about myself. When I was growing up I never labeled myself creative. I still have a hard time using that word to describe me but I am showing more creativity than I ever thought I would. I knit, I have learned to make jewelry, I have painted-in the past, and now I would like to write. That's kind of a reason I chose this name for the blog. Besides the fact that I am a teacher (more on that later) and I ask students to fill in the blanks, I felt like there was a deeper meaning to this title. It makes me think of an empty palette or blank slate that I can fill in however I choose. Being a teacher is so much a part of who I am, but I want to be able to explore other parts of me as well.
Elisha, I'm glad you are finally moving forward and started blogging!!!!So instead of talking to each other, we'll just write our thoughts on our blogs, huh? :)
I AM SO EXCITED!! Welcome to the blogosphere, sis. You will come to be addicted, just as I am. So proud of you for taking this step, and totally jealous that your blog looks so good right out of the gate. Can I borrow your computer savvy hubby for a bit? xoxo, Mi
YEAH!!!!! YOu started a blog!!!!! So happy!!!!!!!
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