I'm still here.
Doing nothing. Well, maybe not nothing but it feels like nothing.
Last week I spent 3 days doing nothing all by myself! All the kids were in school and at the babysitter during those days. I ran errands (slowly and without dragging kids with me) and only went to the stores I wanted to. Then I came home, put on my pajamas, and took naps every day. Blissful!!
Here are some other nothings that I've done on this vacay:
- started knitting a scarf
- am reading the new Barbara Kingsolver book The Lacuna (am enjoying it so far)
- took the kids to the aquarium after the husband had a behind-the-scenes tour; also saw the new show which the kids really liked.
- tried to read Julie Powell's new book Cleaving and absolutely HATED it. sorry, but no one needs to read hundreds of pages about dismembering meat OR about how much she hates her husband/the affair she had
- found some good deals at Walgreen's, Jewel, etc.
- went to Unique 2x
- watched a million episodes of House Hunters (I am seriously obsessed)
- fed my friend's cat
That's the rundown.
Oh, and here's a quick Baby M update:
- at 14 months she has about 5 words-mommy, daddy, mine, uh-oh, ow.
- on Sunday she threw my slippers in the toilet. of course, those got thrown out.
- she doesn't like to be left behind-whatever her sisters do, she wants to do
- she has 4 molars, 4 front teeth and nothing in between
- she is attached to a blanket that my mom knitted, when she sees it she puts her thumb in her mouth and lays her face on it-it's super cute.
- she has great receptive language skills-she can follow directions; when we say go upstairs she goes to the stairs and starts climbing up